But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9

It all started in high school when I volunteered to design a tshirt for an upcoming missions trip. It was through that simple act of serving my church that I discovered my gifting and calling. Throughout the years I have continued to serve through graphic design and media. The church is the Lord’s Bride (Rev 22:1-2) and as Peter said, we have the privilege of proclaiming His excellencies to the world. I recognize that digital media will not save anyone, for that’s Jesus’ job, and it is no supplement for personal, face to face evangelism. Our job, our privilege, is to proclaim to a broken world, Jesus who is the source of excellence. If we as believers are not committed to excellence then we are failing to accurately represent Him. He is the Divine Creator, the ultimate Creative. This world is His masterpiece, His brand guide and for me, digital media is one tool that I can use to emphasize how beautiful He is. 

My first full-time work with digital media was with my church, Hope Church Columbia. Recently, I went to Manchester to rebrand for Trinity Church Manchester. Scroll down to see my work.

Hope Church Columbia



I served Trinity Church for three weeks. Within those three weeks, we were able to refresh the logo, redesign the website, create a picture portfolio for future media, and update Sunday morning print materials. They wanted a gritty, darker vibe that represents the area in which the church is located.

The first 3 pictures are the website before the rebrand.